The experience to help you grow.
Woodilee Consultancy Ltd is working in partnership with numerous management companies giving advice and forest management expertise in investment and valuation.
Woodilee Consultancy allows for better understanding of the landowners resource empowering them to better manage the value and marketing of the timber.
Woodilee Consultancy is working with various partners within the Scottish sector.
The consultancy can bring together strategic thinking and planning to suit the needs of the forest industry.
The consultancy is primarily assisting in forest management, investment and research through Horizon 2020 programme to better understand the methods for best practice and added value. The services that we offer include tree surveys for planning purposes as well as health and safety reasons. We can also offer
Forest Investment management - Scotland and Baltic States
Forest and Estate Management
Timber valuation and log breakout
We also offer:
Arboricultural implications assessments,
Method statements,
Tree constraints and Protection Plans
All our work conforms with BS5837:2012 and our expertise along with the use of the latest technology helps us offer the best possible service.
Staff Profile

Shaun Mochan MSc FICFor MAPM
Shaun Mochan has worked within the forest sector for over 40 years gaining vital expertise with the Forestry Commission and Forest Research in the UK on a wide range of technology based projects over 15 years. He has successfully managed many research projects to conclusion, and has developed key relationships and understanding with a wide range of forestry and wood processing researchers and industry members in UK and the EC. Shaun is ideally placed to use his links to industry to assist with rapid adoption of new techniques and technology in target UK and EC markets. He offers a personal tailored service to all clients.
The consultancy is also working closely with various sectors and management companies to establish a suite of tools readily available for forest management across the globe.
The company has been part of a wider EU group has been successful in a new EU forest project, called EFFORTE to better understand the environmental and operations effects of forest harvesting.
Shaun Mochan has a passion for success and this has shown in his ability to learn fast. His professional and academic qualifications are listed below:
Masters Degree in Forest Science (MSc)
Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Foresters (FICFor)
Registered Chartered Consultant
Member of the Association of Project Managers (MAPM)

Academic Publications
- David Auty, John Moore, Alexis Achim, Andrew Lyon, Shaun Mochan, Barry Gardiner. (2017). Effects of early spacing on the density and microfibril angle of Sitka spruce wood. Forestry 2017;00,1-13
- Franka Brüchert, Lars Wilhelmsson, Shaun Mochan, Udo H. Sauter. (2011). An integrated approach for wood quality prediction from standing tree to sawn timber. NDT Conference, Sopron, Hungary
- McLean, J. P., Mochan, S., Gardiner, B. and Moore, J. (2011). A comparison of the clearwood properties of four different Sitkaspruce genotypes growing in the United Kingdom. Submitted to Forestry
- Korpunen, H., Mochan, S., Uusitalo, J. 2010. An activity-based costing method for sawmilling. Forest Products Journal Vol. 60. No. 5. pp 420-431
- Mochan, S., Lee, S and Gardiner, B (2008). Benefits of improved Sitka spruce: volume and quality of timber(PDF-534K). Forestry Commission Research Note 3, Forestry Commission, Edinburgh.
- Moore, J., Gardiner, B., Ridley-Ellis, D., Jarvis, M., Mochan, S. and Macdonald, E. (2009). Getting the most out of the United Kingdom’s timber resource. Scottish Forestry, 63, 3-8.
- Moore, J., Achim, A., Lyon, A., Mochan, S. and Gardiner, B. (2009). Effects of early re-spacing on the physical and mechanical properties of Sitka spruce structural timber. Forest Ecology and Management, 258(7), 1174-1180, doi:10.1016
- Moore, J.R., Mochan, S., Brüchert, F., Hapca, A.I., Ridley-Ellis, D.J., Gardiner, B.A., and Lee, S.J. (2009). A comparison of four different Sitka spruce genotypes growing in the United Kingdom. Bending strength and stiffness of structural timber. Forestry, doi:10.1093/forestry/cpp018
- Nicoll. B., Crossley, A., Mochan, S and Gardiner, B. (2009). The effects of spacing on root anchorage and tree stability. Scottish Forestry.
- Moore, J.; Gardiner, B.A.; Ridley-Ellis, D.; Jarvis, M.; Mochan, S. & Macdonald, E (2009) Getting the most out of the United Kingdom’s timber resource. Scottish Forestry 63 (3) 3-8.
- Moore, J.R., Achim, A., Lyon, A.J., Mochan S.J. and Gardiner, B.A. 2009. Effects of early respacing on the physical and mechanical properties of Sitka spruce structural timber. Forest Ecol. Manage. (2009), doi:10.1016
- Macdonald, E., Mochan, S. and Connolly, T. 2009. Development of a Stem Straightness Assessment in Sitka Spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) Forestry, Vol. 82. No. 4. pp 419-429.
- Nicoll, B., Achim, A., Crossley, A., Gardiner, B., and Mochan, S.2009. The effects of spacing on root anchorage and tree stability. Scottish Forestry Vol. 63. No. 1. pp 32-36.
- Macdonald, E., Gardiner, B., Mochan, S., Fonweban, J., and Moore, J. 2008. Trees for the Future. FEG Symposium October 2008.
- Mochan, S., Moore, J., Connolly, T., 2008. The use of acoustic tools in the forestry wood chain. Forestry Commission Information Note (FCRN 018) October 2008.
- Mochan, S., Lee, S., and Gardiner, B., 2008. Benefits of improver Sitka spruce: volume and quality of timber. Forestry Commission Information Note (FCRN003) September 2008.
- Moore, J., McLean, P., Mochan, S., Lee, S., Gardiner, B., and Jarvis, M., 2008. Effects of Selective Tree Breeding on the Tree and Wood Properties of Sitka Spruce. COST E50 meeting
- Moore, J., Mochan, S., Brüchert, F., Hapca, A., Ridley-Ellis, D., Gardiner, B., Lee, S., 2008. Effects of genetics on the wood properties of Sitka spruce growing in the United Kingdom. Part 1: Bending strength and stiffness of structural timber. Forestry. In Press.
- Mochan, S., Connolly, T.,, Gardiner, B., and Leslie, D., 2007. Predicting the Quality of Sitka Spruce Sawn Timber from Standing Tree and Log Measurements. Proceedings All Division 5 Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. Pg 65
- McLean, P., Mochan, S., Moore, J. 2007. Investigating the effect of tree breeding on the timber properties of Sitka spruce. Proceedings All Division 5 Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. Pg 263
- Mochan, S. Moore, J., Leslie, D. 2007. What’s all the noise about? Forestry and British Timber October 2007 pp 22-24
- Lyon, A., Moore, J., Mochan, S. and Gardiner, B. 2007. The use of acoustic NDT tools for predicting wood properties of Sitka spruce. Proceeding of the 15th International Symposium on Nondestructive Testing of Wood, Duluth, MN.
- Mochan, S. Connolly, T. 2006.The Effect of Windblow on Timber Quality in Sitka Spruce, Scottish Forestry, Vol. 60. No. 3. pp 15-20
- Nicoll, B., C., Achim, A., Mochan, S., Gardiner, B.A., 2005. Does steep terrain influence tree stability? A field investigation Can. J. For. Res. 35(10): 2360-2367 (2005)
- Mochan, S., Hubert, J. 2004. Utilisation of Lodgepole pine. Research Information Note (FCIN70), July 2005.
- Gardiner, B., Macdonald, E., Mochan, S., Hapca, A. and Leban, J-M. (2004). Measuring conifer stem form as an assessment of timber quality. IUFRO Conference on “The Forestry Woodchain – Quantifying and Forecasting Quality from Forest to End-Product”. Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh September 2004.
- Stokes, F. Salin, A.D. Kokutse, S. Berthier, H. Jeannin, S. Mochan, L. Dorren, N. Kokutse, T. Fourcaud 2004. Mechanical resistance of different tree species to rockfall in the French Alps I: quantifying the mode of failure through tree mapping and winching experiments Plant and Biology volume 278, issue 1-2, pp. 107-117
- Achim, A., Nicoll, B., Mochan, S., Gardiner, B., 2003. Wind stability of trees on slopes. International Conference ‘Wind Effects on Trees’. September 16-18, 2003, University of Karlsruhe, Germany.
- Mochan, S. 2003. Windblow and Timber Quality Part II. Forestry and British Timber April 2003.
- Mochan, S. 2003. Windblow and Timber Quality Part I. Forestry and British Timber February 2003 pages 21-22.
- Macdonald, E., Mochan, S., Connolly, T (2001). Protocol for stem straightness assessment in Sitka spruce. Forestry Commission Information Note 39.
- Hislop, M., Gardiner, B.A. and Mochan, S. 1997. The shelterbelts of Lothian: The work of Maurice Caborn 40 years on. Scottish Forestry