Woodilee Consultancy can advise potential and current investors advice relating to forest investment opportunities. We undertake investment appraisals to assist in maximising customers forest property potential. Working with various companies in Scotland and the Baltic states we are able to operate European wide to give the best advice to clients.

We look at all aspects of forest investment, large or small giving a full breakdown of potential income within a fixed timescale. We can offer specialist management to maximise your investment.

We can offer initial advice on new planting investment, management and process costs for each project.

Land & Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT)

In Scotland the Land and Building Transaction Tax (LBTT) is charged as a progressive tax and payable on the purchase of a property only. The percentage rate charged on the actual price of the property is applied to the value that falls into each band and up to that threshold. Woodland and agricultural land is treated as non-residential property and the following rates apply:

  • Up to £150,000 = 0%

  • Over £150,001 to £250,000 = 1%

  • Over £250,000 = 1 - 5%

For more information and to use the Scottish Government LBTT Tax Calculator please click on this link LBTT Tax Calculator